
Friday, August 23, 2019

DFI - Session 5

Last week we spent some time learning about cybersafety. So on Wednesday night at our GBHS open evening at school, I had a unique opportunity to teach one of our community members a valuable lesson. While Willie was outside getting a sausage, I noticed his laptop and email was left open and unguarded. This was of concern to me as there were several teachers and students milling around the area. Willie had left himself exposed. My concern for his cyber safety was so great that I thought this was an ideal opportunity to give him a hard lesson that could change his practice for the better.

I sent a whole staff email on Willie’s email asking for all staff to reply with an email stating their phone numbers as he had got a new sim card. What played out was a three day onslaught of zombie like emails piling into his inbox. Listening to Willie’s confessions this morning, I heard that he has now taken on board the importance of being cybersmart. My job here is done... You’re welcome.

This morning we spoke with Gerhard about sharing. He had an in depth view of platforms used and backed up the validity for Maniakalani’s use of Blogger. The tracking side of blogger I had previously looked at and found it interesting that people in the states were reading my blog.

We looked at other teachers Google sites. I liked the idea of incorporating my planning on the site and also including more images of the learners. My site is fairly plain but compared to some of the ones I looked at I am glad with how easy my site is to navigate. My theme is consistent but it is currently fairly dull. At some point I’d like to get on top of using workspace and embedding it into my google site. I won’t reinvent the whole wheel, but rather search what other math teachers have created for their units. Buttons! I have spent some time today on google draw (with the aid of Robbie) to redo homepage and ‘funk up’ my site! Tried to appeal to the local Gisbornites. I really like the idea of creating images and embedding the links in the images. This allows us to breakaway from the standard templates of Google Sites. See below:

We had a look at other people's sites in our DFI cohort. Raquel is winning with her site. The colourful hands and photos were really eye catching and brought interest to the site.


  1. Well, this blog post comes as a complete shock! As you can see after reading my blog, I trusted you implicitly and never suspected a thing. I have certainly learned my lesson although I'm left with the lingering feeling of betrayal and humiliation that comes with any hard lesson such as this. This blog entry is also way more succinct and punchy than my own which, if I'm honest and I usually am, is sometimes rambling and often barely coherent. Great stuff Tim.

    1. I felt this was the best forum with which to come clean.

  2. Thanks Tim, that's really kind!
    Love your site's new look!!!! The buttons really stand out - love the Gizzy graphics too! Sometimes less is more eh, I think that will be my plan for next year's site - and maybe a button or two haha.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Site looks slick Tim. This blog is the mirror image of Willie's, I hope you know what you've done Tim, Willie is like the pranking terminator - he will never give up.

    1. As long as we are safer as a community....

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Buttons look awesome Tim!

    Wow, Cybersneaky it seems... very gutsy though!

    Thanks for the coffee, see you Friday.

  6. Kia ora Tim,
    loved the buttons with the connection to Gizzy. I'm so used to having young learners as an audience that I would have to put lots of thought into what visuals would appeal to older learners and boys in particular. You hit the mark here.
    Mā te wā
