
Friday, August 30, 2019

DFI Session 6

Huge improvement of venue this week, overlooking the marina with the standard cloudless sky is a great way to end the week! We started the day with Dave delivering a talk on visible learning. Last year I worked closely with a teacher who had a COL unit to increase visual learning in the classrooms. I don’t think he ever looked at the digital side to it.

The main thing that Dave said that stuck with me was that some parents are now feeling disconnected as they can’t as easily look through students school books to see their work. I am aware of ‘Parent Portal’ and Dave spoke of Hapara’s parent access but I am sure there would be many schools in NZ who have not considered how to give access to parents.
We had a go at writing some code to park our machine on the other side of a dinosaur minefield. I was wondering what this had to do with anything until we had a go at driving a Makeblock. Makeblock was as far as I can see an alternative to RobotiX. A tool to teach students to write coding to control machinery. Loved Litebot! Unfortunately it was delivered on an ipad but I am sure we can get it on android. I think these tasks that lead into programming are great for building young people’s logic and reasoning.

Unfortunately, I needed to leave early so missed the afternoon. Hope it was as successful as the morning! Great venue!


  1. Kia ora Tim,
    Yes the parent access to learning certainly needs to be given thought and energy. Hence we use public google sites that we suggest are linked off the main school site. Examples here on the ITamaki College sites.

  2. Tim, I came hoping for some of what you did last week - you set the bar pretty high. Unfortunately, you haven't met your own high standard and currently it's a bit hard to read. Maybe you didn't use the 'shift' when copying it across. Hope the performance goes well at Eden Park. You did say your blog would be a bit shorter this week but I think I made up for it for you.

  3. Kia ora Tim,
    the afternoon was as much fun as the morning. Great way to learn and a great place to learn.
    I'll be interested to hear if you and your school pick up on the parent portal in Hapara.
    Mā te wā
